Hypertargeting in B2B Marketing
I have a lot of thoughts on targeting—hypertargeting, to be exact.
I'll start by saying that I recently read a book by the Latané Conant, Chief Marketing Officer at 6Sense, called No Forms. No Spam. No Cold Calls. In the book, the author talks about the differences in Total Addressable Market (TAM) and Ideal Customer Profile (ICP), both terms that float around in the B2B space quite a lot.
I’ve been seeing startups focus on their TAM and use that huge audience as a sizing mechanism, which sounds great in theory, but in reality, your ICP is a subset of that total addressable marketing, and that ICP can be broken down even further by using historical data.
I bring all of this up because your best-fit customer is always going to be specific. There’s going to be an element of hypertargeting to get qualified leads that convert. When figuring out your best-fit customer, pull all your records—from Salesforce or wherever you keep your company data—and ask yourself:
Who is our best-fit customer?
What do they look like as a segment?
How big are they?
Are they part of any particular industry?
What are their use cases?
What kinds of contacts actually get in touch with us?
Who's signing on the dotted line?
Whether you call it ICP or hypertargeting, you have to consider all the people who are actually intent on buying a solution right now. Targeting can be done broadly (and costly), but the more specific and data-driven, the better results you’ll get.
But here’s the good news: You don’t have to figure out how to do that. That’s why I’m here. Schedule a call with me and let’s chat through your company’s B2B marketing needs.